occasionally ask me why we expended so much effort on the recent petition
drive. The answer is easy – We did it because we care about the people of Lyon
County and the impact that political decisions have on them.
I’m also
asked why I’m against this merger. I remind them of the words of Elizabeth
Barrett Browning – “Let me count the ways.”
One of
the first arguments proponents of the merger made after the two to one decision
was that the cost to taxpayers would be negligible. It was a political way of
saying, “This is no big deal.” If they’d put their argument into the form of a
logical proposition it would have read, “This is no big deal…I can afford
it…Therefore, everyone can afford it.”
logic was as bad as it was incorrect.
The cost
of this merger will be higher than Extension proponents claim it will be. They
inadvertently let the cat out of the bag a while back when they said this was really
about increased revenues. Now they’re trying to hide that fact from the people
in a flurry of misinformation.
Those of
us who worked on the petition drive spent over a month going door to door,
meeting fellow citizens on downtown sidewalks, watering holes, restaurants, and
businesses. We saw the community needs up close and personal. We saw retired
railroad workers who had come upon hard times. They know that this really is a
big deal. We met widows who know full well that the “little bit” being touted
means something they won’t be able to afford if the merger is approved. We met
laborers who work for minimum wage, folks who work a hard forty hours a week.
They understand that one person’s “no big deal” is very big indeed to them. We
met men and women on the brink of insolvency. Here are some of the things we heard from
them. “The last thing we need is more taxes.” “If they keep this up I’m gonna’
go under.” We heard the questions. “What was wrong with things as they
were?” “How can they be so out of touch
with me?”
Walker framed the big picture in this debate in January. It was beautifully
stated. He noted that there are 52 different taxing entities Lyon Countians
have to cope with. This is how he put it: “While many entities that receive tax
money work on the premise of lobbying for little increases, it is the taxpayer
who gets hit with the big increase in the end when all the little increases are
added up.” He cited some of the organizations and departments dependent on
taxpayers for support, including Newman Regional Health, USD 253, Emporia State
University, the County fairgrounds, and others.
also said: “At what point does our community ask elected officials to have
vision with regards to our taxes?” “Our world and community have changed
dramatically since Emporia’s boom years. In the internet age we have lost
business and population and need to be careful of how we spend our money.”
Chris. Amen!
were difficult here in January. It’s now spring and things haven’t gotten a lot
better. Dolly Madison just published a WARN notice to employees. Management and
labor intentions may be good, but they’re navigating their way through stormy
seas, with hundreds of jobs on the line. While we hope for the best, the truth
is that the future is very uncertain. Fanestil is still in the appeal process,
with another fifty or so jobs at risk. Home foreclosures are at high levels.
The unemployment picture is murky, at best. Our poverty rates are going up, not
down. Household incomes are low, and stagnant.
I think
it’s reasonable to ask, given our situation, why we need another taxing entity,
and an independent one at that. What was wrong with things as they have been?
The answer? Absolutely nothing!
As things
stand now, Extension represents one line item on the Lyon County budget. Each
year county departments submit budgets. The Commissioners review each one, then
review the county’s financial condition and make adjustments where necessary.
It’s not a fun process. There’s a lot of bloodletting. I know. I did annual
budgeting for FedEx operating units.
has to get in a prioritized line with a lot of worthy players. They have to
compete with the hospital, the Sherriff, etc. They know we really need the
hospital, the Sheriff, and that they just might be further down the priority
Yet, in
spite of the difficulty, Lyon County has been very generous, maybe even
generous to a fault, with Extension. You’d think a bit of gratitude would be in
order. Instead, Extension wants more than our generosity. They want more of our
money. Something is very wrong with that picture.